About Me

Hello, my name is Ricke Elaine Ballard Gritten. In 2019 I graduated from IUPUI with a Masters in Library Science. I enjoy cult television and movies, books and travel. I enjoy “fandom” and view my geekiness as asset as a librarian, because after all, we are all “fans” of one material, genre or another. I am the mother of two girls and am husbanded by Kevin, and act as steward to two cats, Hermione and Bandit.

I’m a pretty big Doctor Who and Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan and I’m indoctrinating my child into cult fandom as well. The picture that resembles a J.C. Penney family portrait is of myself, my daughter and Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor. It was taken in March 2014 at the Wizard Con in Louisville Kentucky. I jumped at the chance to attend as we moved from Louisville to central Indiana in 2009 and I have many friends there. It was my first fan event, and I attended it with my five year old, who was an absolute trooper, except in the line to meet James Marsters, “Spike” from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She refused the photo op after throwing a fit in the line. I tried to calm her down saying, “Remember, he’s not a real vampire, he’s an actor.” Then I tried changing tactics and said, “Hey, you don’t want him to bite you!” She screamed, “HE’S NOT A VAMPIRE! HE’S JUST AN ACTOR!” She was more excited about the Doctor, who absolutely charmed her and literally swept her off her feet and onto his lap after leaning down and saying in his adorable accent, ” Hello Sweetheart! Why don’t you sit on my lap darling!” She was dazzled, but none the less, asserts that David Tennant, who she calls “Number Ten” is her favorite.

Please visit my other sites Our Family History, my Reader’s Advisory Blog: Welcome to My World and The Bronte Library Shelf.